Buscando Seguridad

This training will be in Spanish. Buscando Seguridad es un modelo de consejería y centrado en el presente para ayudar a las personas a alcanzar la seguridad frente al trauma…


Trauma Informed Care

Peak Behavioral Health Services 390 Calle de Alegra, STE D, Las Cruces

Trauma looks different for each of us, and the approach must also be tailored in a culturally mindful way to promote healing and recovery. In this 3-part, one-day training, we…

Talk Saves Lives Training (English)

Hot Stuff Venue and Gift Shop 251 W Hall St, Hatch, New Mexico

Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs in Latinx and Hispanic communities, as well as how to keep ourselves, our loved ones and those in our communities safe…

Talk Saves Lives Training (Spanish)

Hot Stuff Venue and Gift Shop 251 W Hall St, Hatch, New Mexico

Los participantes aprenderán los factores de riesgo comunes y las señales de advertencia en lascomunidades latinas e hispanas, así como cómo mantenernos seguros a nosotros mismos, anuestros seres queridos y…

Talk Saves Lives Training

Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs in Latinx and Hispanic communities, as well as how to keep ourselves, our loved ones and those in our communities safe…


Seeking Safety Virtual Training

Seeking Safety is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. Join us to learn some practical tips and techniques. By the end…


Seeking Safety Virtual Training

Seeking Safety is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. Join us to learn some practical tips and techniques. By the end…

Talk Saves Lives Training

This presentation will cover what we know about mental health and suicide, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to help save lives. Participants will…

Mental Health First Aid (Spanish)

MHFA brinda las habilidades que necesita para comunicarse y brindarayuda y apoyo iniciales a alguien que puede estar desarrollando unproblema de salud mental o uso de sustancias o que está…


Breaking The Stigma: A Review of Barriers

In this course, you will learn: Free virtual training course is open to residents of New Mexico and El Paso County. About the Trainer Enrique López-Escalera, JCL., STL., MSW. Enrique…

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