The National Latino Behavioral Health Association is proud to host the 2025 National Latino Behavioral Health Conference in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico, from August 7 to 9, 2025! 

The 2025 National Latino Behavioral Health Conference will provide the best and most effective interventions and knowledge in Latino behavioral health, including Community-Defined Evidence Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, promising approaches, and traditional healing practices, to expand and strengthen the toolbox of methods, programs, and practices serving Latino communities across the U.S.

This incredible event will host Plenary Sessions with nationally recognized Keynotes on session days; workshops in English and Spanish; Continuing Education opportunities; a Super Exhibit Hall with booths and information tables full of information on Latino Behavioral Health resources; evening receptions featuring local performers; continental breakfast, breaks, and delicious luncheons; an evening of music and dance with a soon to be announced celebrity performer to raise scholarship funds for Latino students pursuing a college degree in behavioral health!  

This 2025 National Latino Behavioral Health Conference is for behavioral health practitioners, psychologists, social workers, medical practitioners, community health workers, peer specialists, policymakers, administrators, and leaders in behavioral health!   Stay tuned for upcoming registration information. To take advantage of Early Bird Rates while you can, reserve your lodging and start your travel plans to beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico!